Marketing: Essentials 7e (eBook Basic)

Marketing: Essentials 7e
(eBook Basic)


Green, sustainable, and our best price. 180-day access to your assigned textbook. eBook platform is PDF-based, so the layout is the same as the print version, with a bookmarked table of contents for easy navigation. Other tools include search, highlighting and note-taking. Available immediately after checkout.

Note: eBook Basic does not include offline access or PDF printing. (Those functions are available with eBook Plus.)

Also available:Quizlet Study App.   See Study Tools for more information and prices for these popular study aids.


Full Description
Item/Format: eBook Basic
Edition: 7e
Copyright: 2021
# of Pages: 527
Publisher: Textbook Media Press
ISBN13: 978-1-930789-89-0
ISBN10: 1-930789-89-0

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    • Description

      Green, sustainable, and our best price. 180-day access to your assigned textbook. eBook platform is PDF-based, so the layout is the same as the print version, with a bookmarked table of contents for easy navigation. Other tools include search, highlighting and note-taking. Available immediately after checkout.

      Note: eBook Basic does not include offline access or PDF printing. (Those functions are available with eBook Plus.)

      Also available:Quizlet Study App.   See Study Tools for more information and prices for these popular study aids.


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